Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Revisiting soap packaging…again.

‘Round and ‘round I go with the whole packaging dilemma.  BUT, I might be on to something…FINALLY!  You see, I love to make beautiful soaps.  My favorite technique is to swirl several colors together.  I don’t have the art perfected, but I’m working on it.  I do, however, like most of the soaps I’ve swirled and want to show them off.  I realize packaging is part of marketing and selling the soap, but I want the SOAP to market and sell itself and that won’t happen if it’s covered up inside a box.  My most recent packaging has been to use a white box with an oval window.  This allowed the soap to be both seen and smelled, but the WHITE is grating on my nerves.  Even though you get a glimpse of the soap through the window, I’ve struggled with what to do with all that white space around the soap.  I’ve made colorful labels and used ribbon bows on the front, but that becomes time consuming and costly.  And tDSC01539here’s still a lot of white.

The solution? Vellum!  It’s transparent, inexpensive and allows me to label my soap while still letting the soap bDSC01535e the focal point.  So, what do you think?


Hi Catherine, they lok lovely in the vellum. Hats off to your creativity!!! Have you printed onto it or are they labels on the front?
I'm tearing my hair out concerning packaging atm so I understand your frustration! I need packaging ideas for my new company, they are dreamcatcher kits but with a twist on the original concept.
Gaynor Marshall
The Native American Bead Company (from DID):)

Wonder Turtle Soaps

Love the vellum - what a great idea! Looks like you've found a great solution to your packaging dilemma. :)

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