Monday, October 25, 2010

Essential Oil Blends

As much as I love all the Christmas fragrances, my nose wants to take a break for a while. Today, I decided to pull out my essential oils to see what blends I could come up with. I’m often asked how I determine what fragrances to use in my soaps. A lot of the time, I use a pre-blended fragrance oil, but sometimes, I like to create my own blends using natural, essential oils.


I try to let nature be my guide. If it’s a scent that smells good together in nature, then it will probably smell good together in a soap. If I’m not sure what essential oils pair well together, I Google the essential oil I want to work with and find other essential oils that blend well with it. Then, I take it from there.


Essential oil is more expensive than fragrance oil, so I don’t want to mix them together without first knowing that I’ll like the result. So, I do a “smell test.” I cut a Q-Tip in half and then dip each half in an essential oil I want to use. I then place my Q-Tip halves in a zip-lock bag, label it and seal it. Over the course of a couple of days, I check on the scent. If I like the blend, then I’ll use it. If not, then I haven’t wasted much essential oil.


Right now, I’m smell testing six essential oil blends. After I choose the ones I like comes the fun part: deciding how the soap will look.


Joy for the Seasons

THANK YOU! I never could figure out a good way to test out fragrance combos cheaply.


I love blending essential oils. I take a dropper and put the drops on a paper towel so that way I can do the 'parts' too (2 drops for 2 parts and so on). I like your idea too! What a great way to do it.

Catherine Dreher

Anne-Marie, that's a great idea!
Sometimes I place my Q-Tips in jars, but my kiddos used most of my jars as bug catchers this summer. :)

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