Sunday, October 31, 2010

National Adoption Awareness Month

ethiopia abraham On January 24, 2010 we were united with our son, Abraham.  We had waited 18 months and traveled to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to get him, and I wouldn’t trade the experience for all the world. I love my sweet, little boy!  I tell people that it wasn’t just our work and effort that brought him home, it was the generosity of friends and family that helped make it possible.  He’s our son and part of our family, but he’s also part of a larger family and community of people who prayed for us, helped organize our garage sale, donated items for us to sell, gave money, and who bought A LOT of soap. 

November  is National Adoption Awareness Month.  I read a statistic once that said, if just 1% of self-professed Christians adopted a child, there would be no more orphans.  Wow!  There are currently about 145 MILLION orphans world-wide (UNICEF 2008).  That number does NOT include abandonment or sold/trafficked children (which is estimated to be in the millions). 
We may not all be called to help solve the orphan crisis by adopting a child, but we can certainly help in other ways.  Throughout November,  I’m going to post something you can do to help orphans.  I hope you’ll take some time to be a voice for the voiceless.DSC01927                                 Abraham on his 1st Birthday!


Joy for the Seasons

Love it, friend! Thanks for being a shining example and advocating for orphans and adoption.

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