Sunday, March 13, 2011

New Donation Recipient

All praise to God for blessing the Schoenlings with the funds they need to complete their adoption!  They are still waiting to be placed with an infant, but when that call comes, they will have the money they need for their final adoption expenses.  Thank you to everyone who bought Catie Beth Bath and Body products over the last year.  Together, we were able to give the Schoenlings nearly $175! 

In my previous post, I reported on a decision made by the Ethiopian government that will reduce inter-country adoption by 90%.  This is heart-wrenching news.  Orphans will likely be in institutions for nearly 7 years.  Another report I recently read said the Ministry of Women, Children and Youth affairs in Ethiopia will close 25% of orphanages with no plan of where these children will go.

Based on this information, I believe Ethiopian orphanages are going to need greater funding in order to take in additional orphans while meeting the long-term care needs of their existing orphans.  With that in mind, Catie Beth Bath and Body will donate a generous portion of its profits to Hannah’s Hope Orphan Care in Ethiopia.  Through donations and mission teams, they provide orphan care, refurbish orphanages, create day care centers, etc. 

Below is a video of a day care center built by Hannah’s Hope Orphan Care  in Wyrea, Ethiopia.

Ethiopia Wyrea Daycare Project made possible by donations to Hannah’s Hope Orphan Care


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