I’ve been reading the awesome and inspiring story of Twesigye Jackson Kaguri and his devotion to building a school for AIDS orphans in his community in Uganda. It’s called the Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project. Their mission, as stated on their website, is “to provide a high-quality, free education, both formal and informal, to children who have been orphaned due to HIV/AIDS in order to counteract pervasive hunger, poverty and systemic deprivation.”

You can help these awesome children achieve their dreams by giving a monetary donation OR, and this sounds like a lot of fun, you can host a Grandmothers Basket Party! “When you host a Basket Party, you become part of a growing circle of people who are helping impoverished Ugandan women rise out of poverty” (Nyaka website). Many AIDS orphans are raised by their grandmothers, who had to watch their own children die from AIDS. Now, in their old age, they must care for their grandchildren with very little resources. The money raised from a Basket Party helps these grandmothers care for their grandchildren. The baskets look beautiful!

You can follow the Nyaka Foundation on Facebook.
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