Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cat Antics

I have three cats, which is three too many.  Actually, I should say my family has three cats because I claim no ownership over these fur balls.  My cat, Tigger, died almost five years ago.  These cats are the bane of my existence.  Meet the clan.DSC03234Toby, the stinky monkey cat.  Scott got him at an animal shelter 11 years ago.  He tries to remind me that I helped him pick Toby out, but I deny any and all association.  Toby is the anti-social cat; slinking around our bedroom and paralyzing with fear anytime I try to pick him up (which isn’t often given he’s rather large).  He likes to jump on our bed in the morning and head butt a hand to pet him. DSC03238This is Sam, Caitlyn’s cat.  About three years ago, Caitlyn asked if she could get a cat of her very own.  She picked out Sam at the animal shelter, who was seven years old at the time.  Sam is actually a pretty sweet and gentle cat, but he needs to cool it with the hairballs and scratching up my couch.  I have to keep him out of Caitlyn’s room at night or he’ll roost by her head and paw her hair all night.DSC03235And, finally, Sonic…Jacob’s cat.  I don’t know what in tarnation possessed me to bring home this scrawny kitten we found at summer camp two years ago, but Jacob wanted him so here he is.  He’s the hell-raiser of the bunch and owns the title of “Most Pee Outside of the Litter Box”.  All rights, honors and privileges pertaining thereto.  But he wins me over by curling up on my lap when I’m watching TV.

And now (drum roll, please) for the first installment of Cat Antics:DSC03239After being outside with the kids this morning, I walked into my bedroom to find cat hair ALL OVER the floor.  Judging by the color, I’d say Toby and Sonic were having a go at it.  Needless-to-say, I took great delight in firing up the vacuum cleaner and scaring the bejeezus out of ‘em! 


Joy for the Seasons

I remember having 4 cats at one time. 4 cats too many!!

Catherine Dreher

I remember. I also remember that you got rid of all of them and I think, "Cheryl did it! Why can't I?" I guess if my kids were younger, it would be easier to do. *Sigh*

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