Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Morning Glories

DSC03174I am not a patient homeschool mom.  When other moms tell me they could never homeschool their children because they “don’t have the patience”, I laugh.  Out loud, in fact.  I have very little tolerance for whining or bad attitudes when it’s time to sit down and begin school.  Fortunately, the kids were in good spirits yesterday morning. Not only did we finish school before lunch (which is always my goal), but we had time to shop at Target AND buy quarter drinks at Mobile!DSC03175Jacob is working on pattern blocks…DSC03179while Caitlyn finishes her math test.DSC03182Abraham scored some new art supplies from Target.  He taste-tested the blue crayon, but it wasn’t to his liking.



Love it! So what exactly do you have Jacob do with those pattern blocks? We have a set that I had Matthew working on last year, but he just looked at a picture and tried to re-create the picture using the blocks. I need ideas for "older kid" activities. Or maybe I just need more advanced pictures to have him copy!

Heather S.

I totally laugh out loud too when people say they don't have the patience to homeschool or that they are not as patient as me! I must put on a good front because I am pretty sure my kiddos would say that I am not patient!! Ha!!

Catherine Dreher

Jacob filled in a picture with the pattern blocks, then he had to sort them and then make a bar graph showing how many of each shape/color he used in his picture.

I don't think any parent has the patience when it comes to attitudes. Whether or not you homeschool, parents still have to deal with that. :)

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